Ashlar-Vellum CAD and 3D modeling programs are the best choice for designing products for 3D printing.

Because Cobalt™, Xenon™ and Argon™:
- Create true solids, not merely a collection of surfaces loosely knitted together.
- Use a real solid-geometric engine that knows how to handle:
- common edges
- tolerant edges
- closed sets of analytic geometry
- closed sets of NURB surfaces
- Allow you to start not only with a solid model, but optionally with wireframe or surfaces and still be able to bring them together as a water-tight solid.
- Allow control of meshing parameters individually for each solid in the file prior to STL export so that they can be set only once or adjusted more conveniently.
- Allow you to optionally export each part in a file to a separate file for more control while printing.
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