Right the First Time

When a customer says, “I need it yesterday,” they can only be joking, or can they? Not with Cobalt™ 3D modeling software. One Friday morning at Quigley Design a customer called asking for a rapid prototype to be delivered in a few days. The customer wanted to assemble the prototype, including the printed circuit and other components, in front of the decision makers in a meeting.
“Fortunately we knew the project well and had produced a series of concepts by this stage,” said Kevin Quigley of Quigley Design, “but the problem was that the required prototype was a completely new design—and we only had a day to model it.”
Working directly from the customer’s AutoCAD DWG layouts for the printed circuit board display configuration and envelope, the basic enclosure form was created with some additional detailing in the handgrip area. Then this was sent off for approval as a series of photo-rendered views produced directly from Cobalt.
I always make sure that the parts are modeled with draft—which is easy to do in Cobalt—so that the basic form is manufacturable.
After getting the go ahead, the basic form was split and shelled, then internal details were added, such as ribs, location pillars for the circuit board, screw bosses, and even a snap fitting battery cover.
By 4:30 the parts were complete, converted to STL using Cobalt’s built-in STL export translator, and e-mailed off to the prototyping bureau for building over the weekend.
A couple of days later the parts arrived, on schedule, at the meeting — and all the components fit together. “To say I was relieved was an understatement,” said Kevin, “but the job was done and everyone was happy—so much so that they decided to chance the design!”
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Read more about Kevin’s success using Cobalt CAD and 3D modeling in these three other Ashlar-Vellum proven success stories:
Learn more about Kevin’s views on successfully using Cobalt 3D modeling software in these two movies:
See more designs by Kevin among those in these Galleries:
See more of Kevin’s work on his website.