Power user tips for Graphite CAD Software
Get the inside scoop on how to make Graphite save your time and money with expert-level tips and tricks to help you make this remarkable CAD program even more useful and fun.

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This is it—the tips and tricks to make you a Graphite pro, to make you love your CAD software. At the same time you will work more efficiently and effectively. How about stringing tools and commands together for powerful performance? Or unlocking the hidden features of Sheets, Views and Models? And much more—the secrets of the experts are now at your fingertips.
Comprehensive and easy to follow
Whether you work on Mac or Windows or both, this book is designed for your computer-aide drafting success with Graphite. You’ll find the same tips and techniques for both platforms, just a few different keystroke combinations.
Master these tips and you’ll be a Graphite power-user for 2D and 3D CAD. Some of these tips will show you how to:
- Easily access a floating tool palette
- Quickly create annotated leaders
- Place radius, diameter and angular dimensions at precise locations
- Instantly create tangent and perpendicular lines
- Create non-associative detail views
- Effectively use macros
- Create smart walls along their center lines
- Create solid-looking 2D flattened images of 3D parts
- Plus much, much more…
Whether you are new to Graphite or you have been using Ashlar-Vellum’s legendary programs for years, this book will teach you many techniques that will save you not only time and effort, but money too.
Even experienced users will be amazed at all the simple techniques and tricks that they never knew before.