Ashlar-Vellum 3D Modeling Tutorials
These tutorials are specific to Cobalt™, Xenon™ and Argon™, Ashlar-Vellum’s 3D solid and surface modeling programs, and are applicable on both Mac and Windows platforms.
All video tutorials are available on our YouTube Channel.
If you would like to submit a tutorial, or an idea for a tutorial, please email us at We welcome your comments or suggestions.
The tutorials are arranged according to their level of complexity:
Novice (easy) , Intermediate , Advanced

Introduction to the Ashlar-Vellum CAD 3D Modeling Interface. Part 1
This movie demonstrates the Ashlar-Vellum CAD 3D Modeling Interface featuring the Drafting Assistant. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt CAD and 3D modeling software.

Introduction to the Ashlar-Vellum CAD 3D Modeling Interface. Part 3
This movie discusses the Show/Hide window and the Design Explorer available in Argon, Xenon and Cobalt.

Introduction to the Ashlar-Vellum 3D Modeling Interface and Key Features Tutorial
Get an introduction to the Ashlar-Vellum interface and how it is used to create, edit and manage geometry. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt solid, surface and wireframe 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.2 MB).

Understanding the Modeling Process and Design Intent
A general discussion on the general workflow, uses of surfaces and solids and understanding the problem solving process in modeling. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision 3D solid and surface modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.7 MB).

Creating a 2D Jigsaw Puzzle
This short movie demonstrates how to create 2D jigsaw puzzle pieces. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt 3D solid and surface modeling software.

Model a Simple Toaster
An introductory tutorial which explores the construction of a simple toaster with the Ashlar-Vellum 3D modeling products. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt 3D solid and surface modeling programs.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.4 MB).

Create a Simple Bowl
This tutorial demonstrates how to create a simple shape like this bowl. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.9 MB).

3D Modeling a Lathed Bowl
This movie demonstrates how to solid model a lathed bowl. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision solid and surface modeling software.

3D Rendering a Lathed Bowl
This movie shows how to renders the lathed bowl. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision solid and surface modeling software.

3D Modeling a Dovetailed Drawer
This movie demonstrates how to solid model a hand dovetailed drawer. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision 3D solid and surface modeling software.

Create a Curved Plastic Cap
This step-by-step tutorial describes how to use Ashlar-Vellum’s 3D modeling software to create a curved plastic cap. Suitable for Argon, Xenon, or Cobalt CAD and 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.9 MB).

Create a Tension Spring
This tutorial demonstrates how to create a tension spring. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.3 MB).

Model a Sprocket Wheel
An intermediate tutorial which constructs a sprocket wheel using a combination of wireframe, surfaces and solids. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.6 MB).

Basic Geometric Constraints Tutorial
This tutorial demonstrates how to set up geometric constraints and equations to drive geometry in Cobalt’s Digital Constraint Manager. Suitable for Cobalt precision CAD and 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.5 MB).

Create Fan Shapes
A quick way to create fan or turbine type shapes. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt CAD and 3D modeling programs.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.3 MB).

Create Buttons or Dome Shapes
Four simple methods for creating buttons or dome shapes. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt solid and surface modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.0 MB).

Create a Pitcher
This tutorial demonstrates how to define an organic shape with wire frame geometry and create a single, smooth surface around that wireframe. Then it shows how to make that surface into a solid and add details. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision 3D solid and surface modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.3 MB).

Making Solids from Surfaces
Very often we come across shapes that look very simple at first glance, but turn out to have a subtle yet complex shape.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.0 MB).
Download a 3D model in Cobalt (.03 MB).

Create Cabriole Legs
A quick and easy way to make cabriole legs. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision solid modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.3 MB).

Create Spiral Shapes Around Curves
How do you create objects like phone cords, DNA, elegant jewelry or vacuum hoses? Look at this tutorial to find out. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.2 MB).

Model a Balljoint
Very often we come across shapes that look very simple at first glance, but turn out to have a subtle yet complex shape. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision 3D solid and surface modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.9 MB).

Model a Spray Bottle Head
In this tutorial we model a spray bottle top. This is a deceptively simple looking shape, but can actually be a little difficult. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt 3D modeling programs.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.3 MB).

How to Place Decals
A great quick start tip sheet created by Randy Primozic on how to place decals. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt photo-realistic 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.4 MB), the tutorial and support files for Macintosh (.4 MB) and for Windows (.4 MB)

Model a Threaded Hex Bolt
An intermediate tutorial which shows how to model a threaded hex bolt. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision CAD and 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.7 MB).

Create a Quicktime Animation
An introduction to creating walk-through and fly-by animations. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt photo-realistic 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.8 MB) and a 3D model in Cobalt (.03 MB)

2D Working Drawing from 3D Model
This short movie shows you how to easily create 2D engineering drawings from a 3D model. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt CAD and 3D modeling software.

Lense Housing
This 26-minute movie shows basic part creation from start to finish. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt 3D solid and surface modeling programs.

Create Complex Shell-shaped Spirals
A quick way to make spiral shapes from sea shells to pump housings. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision CAD and 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.6 MB).

Table Leg Tutorial
Very often we come across shapes that look very simple at first glance, but turn out to have a subtle yet complex shape. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision 3D solid and surface modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.37 MB), the tutorial and support files for Macintosh (.01 MB) and for Windows (.03 MB)

Texture Space Shaders
A look at how the different types of texture space shaders work in the Ashlar-Vellum rendering environment. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt photo-realistic 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.0 MB).

Create Complex Domed Shapes
Often there is a need to create smooth, domed shapes that are not just simple, round geometry. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision CAD software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.4 MB).

Create Rounded or Organic Shapes
An introduction to simple organic modeling. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision solid and surface modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.0 MB).

Create a Squeeze Bottle
Use basic shape editing, shelling and blending to create a bottle with threads. Suitable for Xenon and Cobalt precision CAD and 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (.8 MB).

Photo-realism Fundamentals
In this lesson are some general guidelines to help make your renderings look photo-realistic. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt 3D modeling programs.
Download the tutorial in PDF (6.6 MB).

Wood Glass Rendering
This 17-minute movie is a great tutorial on effective rendering techniques for glass and wood. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt 3D solid and surface modeling programs.

Create and Render a Headlight
A more advanced tutorial which explores the construction and rendering of a headlight. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt photo-realistic precision 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (7.3 MB).

Sink and Faucet
An intermediate tutorial which shows the associative features of Xenon and Cobalt. It also covers basic rendering techniques to produce this image of a sink and faucet. Suitable for Xenon and Cobalt CAD and 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.5 MB) and a 3D model in Xenon (1.5 MB)

Model a House
This tutorial demonstrates how to model a house. Suitable for Argon, Xenon and Cobalt precision CAD and 3D modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (1.5 MB).

Modeling the Cube
A thorough tutorial covering the modeling of the Cube computer. This tutorial begins with wireframe creation and goes all the way through lighting and rendering the image you see to the left. A full, comprehensive lesson of over 30 tools within the Ashlar-Vellum software. Suitable for Xenon and Cobalt precision 3D solid and surface modeling software.
Download the tutorial in PDF (8.8 MB), the tutorial and support files for Macintosh (1.8 MB) and for Windows (2.7 MB)